+44 1749 689022
+44 (0) 7866180462

Report Writing

The Neuro Physiotherapy Practice provides professional, confidential information at your request, on your behalf, regarding your Physiotherapy requirements, treatment programme and your progress.

Expert Witness Reports provided for Legal purposes.

The Neuro Physiotherapy Practice is able to provide a professional opinion of your current situation, condition and rehabilitation requirements, as well as future needs.

We accept instructions in writing or via email, in accordance to PD 35 and Part 35. In order to complete a report, we require the following information:

  • detailed purpose of the report and issues to be addressed
  • the capacity of appointment (party appointed expert, single joint expert or expert advisor)
  • when the report is required
  • provision of relevant medical and therapy records prior to assessment
  • all other relevant reports and communication
  • witness statements
  • particulars of the claim
  • particulars of the claim and defence teams
  • relevant court orders
  • any other relevant background information
  • confirmation or payment of fees by the responsible party/ parties